More drawings of the gorgeous naked people!

L at Lydias from 2017 fin Dec 31 2019 by Suzanne ForbesI finally finished up a bunch more of these drawings of Berlin life drawing muses E & L.

E & L, aka Rosiichbinnackt, no longer do life modeling so I was damn lucky to draw them! That’s L above; I just drew her twice 😉

E and L at Lydias 2 from 2017 fin Dec 31 2019 by Suzanne ForbesYou can see the previous posts from these wonderful community drawing sessions here and here.

E and L at Lydias 2 from 2017 fin Dec 31 2019 by Suzanne ForbesThe sessions were hosted by Lydia Schuchmann and Flavia Scuderi, two immensely talented professional working artists.

E and L at Lydias 3 from 2017 fin Dec 31 2019 by Suzanne ForbesI wish you could see all the other drawings that were made there, there were some terrific draughtspeople!

Eli at Lydias from 2017 fin Dec 31 2019 by Suzanne ForbesAnd it was at one of these drawing sessions that I borrowed a chalk marker from Lydia. Using white chalk markers has opened up my drawings so much!!

L sketch at Lydias from 2017 fin Dec 31 2019 by Suzanne ForbesThanks a million to Lydia, Flavia, E and L!

Visit my flickr for free downloads of these drawings and many, many, many more. Remember you’ll need to be logged in to a flickr account with adult safeties turned off to see some of them 🙂

Book release party for “As You wish, my Lady”, with Jo Pollux, BDSM by Sadie Lune, and more!

Sadie Lune and spankee As You Wish My Lady release party June 6 2019 by Suzanne ForbesSUCH a beautiful party for the release of “As You wish, my Lady”, the gorgeous coffee table book of photographs by Jo Pollux and text by Sadie Lune.

Sadie Lune and Jo Pollux As You Wish My Lady release party June 6 2019 by Suzanne ForbesIt was held at cherished, now-gone all-inclusive queer art gallery/bar/clubhouse Ludwig Berlin in Neukölln, and featured Jo Pollux, Sadie Lune and the muses of dark desire who appear in the book!

Sadie Lune flogs Jo Pollux As You Wish My Lady release party June 6 2019 by Suzanne ForbesThe book showcases Jo’s Film Noir aesthetic and Sadie’s dark prose.

and Manon As You Wish My Lady release party June 6 2019 by Suzanne ForbesIn attendance were many models from the book, including Sadie, Bishop Black, Manon, and Finn Peaks.

Manon at As You Wish My Lady release party June 6 2019 by Suzanne ForbesThere were performances by the models, like the scene above with Manon.

Sadie Lune and willing victim As You Wish My Lady release party June 6 2019 by Suzanne ForbesAfterwards the crowd retired to the back room to witness à la carte acts of hot kinky dominant play by Sadie, always a huge hit.

Sadie Lune and willing caning victim As You Wish My Lady release party June 20 2019 by Suzanne ForbesThis beautiful girl signed up for caning, and asked Sadie to cane her until – “Until when?” “Until I cry!”, she said bravely!

The crowd broke into cheers at the young lady’s courage.

What a special night of light and darkness, community and kinks, love and pain, on a dark summer night in Neukölln.